42.92% of the total returns were processed within 24 hours of delivery of the ITR
19 banks have registered in the online tax payment system TIN 2.0
Posted on: March 20, 2023 7:45 pm by PIB Delhi
In recent years, the government has taken a number of measures to maintain the continuity and stability of taxation, further simplifying and rationalizing various provisions to reduce the burden of compliance, encourage entrepreneurship and provide citizens with tax relief. This was stated by the Union Finance Minister Shri Pankaj Chaudhary in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.
The Minister said that details of some such measures are given in the ANNEXURE.
Clarifying, the minister said that the maximum, minimum and average amount of income tax returns filed and processed through the income tax e-filing portal within 24 hours for A.Y. 2022-23 is as follows:
Lowest number of ITR submissions per day: 01 (April 10, 2022 – i.e. ITR 1 & 4 deployment date)
Highest number of ITR filings per day: 72,42,156 (July 31, 2022 i.e. deadline for filing return u/s 139(1))
Average number of ITR filings per day: 2,82,559 (Total returns filed from April 10, 2022 to December 31, 2022: 7,51,60,817. Number of days: 266. 7,51,60,817/266 = 2,559,82
Besides, the minister said that for A.Y. 2022-23, 3,02,40,121 ITRs (i.e. 42.92% of total revenue) were processed within 24 hours of ITRs being issued.
For more information, the minister stated that it is a constant and ongoing effort to improve the taxpayer portal (e-registry portal). Some of the steps taken in this regard include the introduction of the Online Tax Payment System (TIN 2.0), which has so far involved 19 banks. Furthermore, this portal made available to taxpayers new payment modes for paying taxes. This led to faster crediting of taxes paid. In addition, educational videos and frequently asked questions are continuously uploaded to the portal to raise awareness among taxpayers on relevant topics for easier tax compliance. A co-browsing tool is newly launched on the portal to provide assistance to taxpayers by the help desk team on portal related issues.
The Minister further stated that the Common Income Tax Return (‘CTR’) was proposed as a common return form for all persons except trusts. The objective of the proposed return is to facilitate the filing of returns and significantly reduce the time for filing ITR by individuals and non-business taxpayers. Taxpayers will not have to see schedules that do not apply to them. Schedules have been designed in a smart, user-friendly way with better layout, logical flow and increased pre-filling scope. It will also facilitate proper reconciliation of third party data available with Income Tax Department with the data to be reported in ITR to reduce compliance burden on taxpayers. The draft CTR has been uploaded to the public domain, inviting comments from all stakeholders.
The Income Tax Department has the following grievance redressal mechanisms:
The e-Nivaran module on the e-post office portal
High Pitched Assessment Committees in each Pr. CCIT fee
Tax Payer Charter Cells (TPCC) in each Pr. CCIT fee.
CPGRAM on the DARPG portal.
The minister further said that strengthening the grievance redressal mechanism is an ongoing and continuous process. An impetus has been given in various grievance redressal mechanisms due to better monitoring and reduction in response time to various complaints filed by taxpayers. The increased digitization of procedures according to the law also contributed to the improvement of the handling of taxpayer complaints, the minister said.