Graduating from a university is a big deal for most people. The moments when the graduating students go up on stage to receive their degrees are truly special. One person made this moment even more special as he went on stage and screamed “Mummy mai pass ho gaya”, much to the amusement of the crowd that cheered him.
Gill Saab, the person shown in the viral video, is a musician and social media personality. This clip from his graduation has raked in over four lakh likes. Commenting on his video, an Instagram user wrote, “For Indians the word MUMMY is everything.”
Another person wrote, “Wow .. I mean this is everything.. the first thing you wish to declare is to your mother and no one else .. and he did it just right..”.
In response, the whole auditorium bursts into laughter. Nalawade beams at his daughter and sends her a flying kiss before saying, “I love you.”