India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja has dropped a masisve hint about MS Dhoni’s future, while wishing the former India captain on his 42nd birthday.“My go to man since 2009 to till date and forever. Wishing you a very happy birthday mahi bhai. See u soon in yellow,” Jadeja wrote on Twitter.There have been massive speculation that the IPL 2023 might be the last everyone has seen MS Dhoni in CSK colours. However, in the early stage of the tournament MS Dhoni had said that he might retire after IPL 2023, but in the post-match presentation after leading CSK to their fifth IPL trophy, he had said: “I don’t know, I have 8-9 months to decide. I have ample time to decide. Why take that headache now? The auction is in December. I will always come to CSK.I have been out of home since January, been practising since March, so we will see. I’ll always be there for CSK, where it’s playing or something outside.”Former India opener Virender Sehwag in his won unique way has wished MS Dhoni on his 42nd birthday.“The Sun God has 7 horses to pull his heavenly chariot. In the Rigveda there are 7 parts of the world, 7 seasons & 7 fortresses 7 basic musical notes 7 pheras in a marriage 7 wonders of the world And on 7th day of 7th month- Birthday of a top man @msdhoni, #HappyBirthdayDhoni,” Sehwag wrote. Team India’s T20 captain Hardik Pandya, pacer Mohammed Shami, former India batters Suresh Raina and Ambati Rayudu also posted their heartfelt wishes on MS Dhoni’s birthday.